what to expect At kennedy Baptist church
What time should I arrive?
In order to allow time for parking and entry into our facilities, you may wish to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to bible study and service times. Our Greeter Ministry Team will welcome you and assist you with finding your way around our campus.
What is your normal Sunday morning attendance?
In most of our morning worship services, we average between 125-150 worshippers.
What should I wear?
You will find no dress code at Kennedy Baptist, outside of the biblical teaching of Godliness & modesty. You will find people dressed in suits and dresses, but you will also see many of our worshippers adorned in jeans and slacks. Whether you dress in a suit & tie or jeans & a t-shirt, you will fit in and feel comfortable at Kennedy Baptist.
Is there a Small Group for me?
Our goal is to create a deeply connected faith community at Kennedy Baptist Church. We are committed to provide small group studies for all ages & all walks of life throughout our education ministry. Our Sunday School small groups are graded in several methods, such as age (children, youth, young adults, seniors, etc) and lifestyle (college/career, newly married couples, adult singles, senior adults). On Wednesday evenings, we provide small group discipleship for adults, youth, and children. We work to ensure that you have access to a small group that you will feel comfortable in as you worship and study God’s word.
Do you have a nursery?
Our Nursery Ministry Team ensures that loving, nurturing childcare is provided for babies and toddlers during all small group sessions and worship services. Our toddler room and nursery for babies have been recently remodeled and are updated in order to provide the most pleasant & safe environment for your child.
What is the preaching style/musical style of your worship service?
We sum up our worship service style in one word – Biblical. You will hear sound biblical doctrine as the Gospel is preached each and every week during our services. Within our worship service, you will hear multiple music styles as we seek to praise and worship the One who is worthy.